Sunday, April 18, 2010



什么“P" 话?!!!


“丽梅,你的非人类时段大半时间都是歌曲,别在挂羊头卖狗肉了,多花点心思在内容上吧!表明一小时节目,实际有动物内容,我算上去顶多20 分钟!浪费时间听!”







  1. 江郎总会有材尽的一天,与其自己一个人收集资料,不如公开向观众收集资料,保证有说不完的话题。

  2. 谢谢你,我明白你的意思。。。我也在想。要不,不会搞到睡不着觉。



  3. Whoa! Terrible to noe u listeners can b so nasty... i suppose there's a better way to give opinion n suggestion. Dun despair, pretty. ADD OIL! xoxo :D

  4. well I feel that viewers should give constructive feedback, rather than just blast at the host. It does not give credit to the host who has spent time and effort to revamp it. Well even though I did not hear the whole show, just part of it, but at least it is a good effort. Dun get too upset over it.

  5. 文鸿,坚文 everytime advice you to "partition" your feelings, it seems u never put it to practise. learn to 放下. it makes your life easier, don't be so critical, y take it personal? focus on the core strengths. you do well for 4 hrs mon-fri. sat 1 hr = how many hrs of air time not good? your fingers got long and short wat. so wat if u got extra 1 finger or got one slightly longer? give and take la? go get some sleep to balance out la. - 小天。 p.s i still find you're doing quite a gd job to balance out the yang qi in the morning show. I too can't please all of my customers. They like they come, but i manage to owis get the 75th %tile

  6. haha..Aaron,
    Like wat i said..dun wori I have my way to release my anger but at the moment of time when i was writing tat blog I was indeed angry. But I always throw and forget..It was just a moment of venting..
    But thanks anyway.:) am fine :)
    Sometimes I just want some nasty listeners to know tat I do have "temper" never known people in bad mood just like to vent their dissatisfactions and anger by sending sms to me in a unreasonable manners :)

    Too bad last sat I was not in a good mood :P

  7. luckily u know u love it @ krangi, that really brighten yr life during the minute or so each time. Jia.........YOU!

  8. haha..Aaron,
    Like wat i said..dun wori

    "i dun worry, time and tide is of essence."

    I have my way to release my anger but at the moment of time when i was writing tat blog I was indeed angry. But I always throw and forget..It was just a moment of venting..

    "Anger management maybe gd, try partitioning. BD "

    Sometimes I just want some nasty listeners to know tat I do have "temper" never known people in bad mood just like to vent their dissatisfactions and anger by sending sms to me in a unreasonable manners :)

    Too bad last sat I was not in a good mood :P

    "Note: I haven't heard any mediacorp DJs explicitly do it on air. Don't pop the cherry."


  9. 小天,怎么总觉得你“怪怪”的。。。哈哈哈!

